
[6.30]BI : 외국인의 집회 참여 금지

컨텐츠 정보


이민국은 다시 한번 이 나라에 있는 외국인들에게 집회와 다른 정치적 시위에 참여하지 말라고 경고했다.
하이메 모렌테 BI 위원장은 오늘 열린 페르디난드 "봉봉" 마르코스 주니어의 대통령 취임식과 관련하여
이 같은 독촉장을 발표했습니다.

"외국인들은 이 나라에서 이민법 위반으로 기소되는 것을 피하기 위해 정치적 관여를 피해야 합니다,"라고
모렌테는 말했다.
BI 정책은 외국인들이 필리핀에 있는 동안 "집회, 집회, 모임에서 어떤 방식으로든 참가, 지지, 기여 
또는 관여"하는 것을 금지한다.

모렌테에 따르면, 그들은 당파적인 정치 활동에 참여한 외국인들을 추방하고 블랙리스트에 
올려야 했던 과거의 사건들이 되풀이되는 것을 막기 위해 이 경고를 발표했다.

This is the Original Article

The Bureau of Immigration (BI) assured that it will facilitate the fast and hassle-free entry

of foreign dignitaries and visitors who will be attending the inauguration of President-elect

Ferdinand Marcos Jr. this Thursday.

In a statement, Immigration Commissioner Jaime Morente said BI officers at the airport

have already been instructed to extend port courtesies to the arriving foreign delegates

and facilitate their expeditious entry into the country.

“We have already put in place the mechanisms and procedures to ensure that these foreign

visitors are given priority in the conduct of immigration formalities upon their arrival at the

airport,” Morente said.

The BI chief also bared that immigration officials have participated in meetings that have

been done to coordinate the efforts of the various government agencies in providing

security and other arrangements for the arrival and stay of the said foreign dignitaries.

Foremost in these arrangements, he said, is the implementation of fast and easier conduct

of customs, immigration and quarantine (CIQ) formalities for the arriving delegates at the


According to lawyer Carlos Capulong, BI port operations chief, arrangements are already

in place for the delegates.

“We have designated special lanes that will cater to these foreign delegates and assigned a

team of immigration officers who will conduct remote immigration clearance of the

passengers at the airport ramp in case foreign delegates will be arriving on chartered

flights,” Capulong said.

He also disclosed that among the first visitors to arrive was the US delegation headed by

Douglas Craig Emhoff, husband of US Vice President Kamala Harris, who, together with his

entourage arrived Tuesday aboard chartered military aircrafts.

Also expected to arrive today is the delegation led by China’s Vice President Wang Qishan,

which is scheduled to land aboard a chartered plane.

Delegates and dignitaries from ASEAN countries and other nations are also expected to

arrive today in preparation for the inauguration on Thursday


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