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[9.7] 총 727개의 가족이 'Henry'의 영향을 받았습니다: NDRRMC

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마닐라 – 총 727가구 또는 2,442명이 태풍 헨리의 영향을 받았다고 국가재난위험경감관리협의회(NDRRMC)가 수요일에 보고했습니다.

최신 상황 보고서에서 기관은 이 가족들이 Ilocos, Cagayan Valley 및 Cordillera 지역의 56개 바랑가이(마을)에 거주하고 있다고 말했습니다.

5가구 또는 약 16명이 거주할 수 있는 대피소가 한 곳만 남아 있습니다. 나머지는 집으로 돌아가거나 친척 및 친구들과 함께 머물고 있습니다.

일로코스 지역에서 한 명이 사망했다는 보고가 아직 확인 중입니다. 부상자나 실종자는 없습니다.

기상 장애로 인해 Cordillera에서 6,137만 페소의 기반 시설 피해가 발생했습니다. 12채의 가옥도 이 지역에서 부분적으로 피해를 입었습니다. (PNA)

This is the Original Article from PNA NEWS

[9.7] A total of 727 Families had been affected by 'Henry': NDRRMC

MANILA – The Philippines' ongoing procurement of the fast attack interdiction craft-missiles (FAIC-Ms) from Israel speaks highly of the country's strong relationship with other countries, Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) chief of staff Lt. Gen. "Bartolome Vicente Bacarro" said on Tuesday night.

“The procurement of these naval warfare assets through government-to-government mode between the Philippines and Israel demonstrates our robust diplomatic and defense relationship with other countries, grounded on our shared goal of ensuring security and stability,” he said in a statement.

"Bacarro" was referring to the BRP "Nestor Acero" (PG-901) and BRP "Lolinato To-Ong" (PG-902), the first two out of nine vessels acquired from the Israel Shipyards Ltd. for 10 billion pesos.

He said these ships further enhance the capability of the Philippine Navy (PN) to protect the country's national territory and interests.

“These shall strengthen our naval capability on littoral defense and maritime interdiction operations and decisively forward our Self-Reliance Defense Posture program,” "Bacarro," said.

The two ships were formally christened by "Bacarro's" wife, "Soledad," at the Commodore Divino Pier in the PN headquarters in Manila on Tuesday morning.

“These patrol boats shall significantly enhance our external and internal defense operations in terms of securing our borders against foreign intrusions, and in providing naval warfare support to our ground troops during the conduct of joint operations,” "Bacarro," said.

The PN's FAIC-Ms is based on Israel's Shaldag Mark V class-patrol boats.

Three more are slated to be delivered beginning this year while the remaining four units will be constructed at the PN shipyard in Naval Station Pascual Ledesma, Cavite City.

These 32-meter high-speed vessels are equipped with quick intercept ability, remote stabilized weapons, and short-range missiles that are capable of delivering precision strikes against larger hostiles and high-value targets on land or sea.

PN chief Vice Adm. "Adeluis Bordado," said these new FAIC-M vessels are designed to enhance the Navy’s capability in addressing threats within the country's "unique archipelagic composition" and protect the maritime interests in a rapid and precise manner. (PNA)


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