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[7.5] 텔아비브 차량 충돌, 칼부림 공격으로 7명 부상

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예루살렘 – 텔아비브에서 화요일 팔레스타인인이 북부 텔아비브의 상업 지역에서 자신의 차를 보행자에게 들이받아 7명이 부상당했습니다.

운전자는 차에서 내려 사람을 찌르려다 총에 맞아 숨졌다.

희생자들은 Beilinson 및 Ichilov 병원으로 대피했습니다. 3명은 중증, 2명은 중등도, 2명은 경증이었다.

“우리는 대규모 MDA 집중 치료 차량과 구급차를 이끌고 현장에 도착했습니다. 우리는 그것이 매우 심각하다는 것을 알았고 버스 정류장 근처에서 46세의 여성이 의식이 있는 동안 인도에 누워 심각한 외상을 입은 것을 포함하여 5명의 부상자가 있었습니다.”라고 응답한 Magen David Adom은 말했습니다. 위생병.

테러리스트는 헤브론 근처의 팔레스타인 마을 Samua에서 온 23세의 Abed al-Wahab Khalila로 확인되었습니다.

그가 팔레스타인 테러 단체와 관련이 있는지는 즉각 밝혀지지 않았습니다.

이번 공격은 이스라엘 보안군이 제닌에서 대규모 대테러 작전을 펼치고 있을 때 발생했습니다.

하마스는 텔아비브 공격을 "제닌 작전에 대한 첫 번째 대응"이라고 칭찬했습니다. (TPS)

This is the Original Article from PNA NEWS

[7.5] 7 injured in Tel Aviv car ramming, stabbing attack

JERUSALEM – Seven people were injured in Tel Aviv when a Palestinian rammed his car into pedestrians in a commercial area of northern Tel Aviv on Tuesday.

The driver was shot and killed when he got out of his car and tried to stab people.

The victims were evacuated to the Beilinson and Ichilov Hospitals. Three were in serious condition, two in moderate condition, and two in mild condition.

“We arrived at the scene with a large force of MDA intensive care vehicles and ambulances. We saw that it was very serious, and near a bus stop there were five injured people, including a 46-year-old woman was lying on the sidewalk while she was conscious and suffering from severe trauma,” said Magen David Adom, a responding medic.

The terrorist was identified as 23-year-old Abed al-Wahab Khalila from the Palestinian village of Samua, near Hebron.

It was not immediately clear if he was affiliated with any Palestinian terror group.

The attack came as Israeli security forces were engaged in a wide-scale counter-terror operation in Jenin.

Hamas praised the Tel Aviv attack as a “first response to the operation in Jenin.” (TPS)


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